About Me
Hey! I’m Natalie and I’m a Christian Certified Health Coach, Life Coach, Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructor & Facilitator, and a Certified Public Accountant.
I spent most of my life stuck. Stuck in a rut with health, wellness, happiness, and just not feeling that I was good enough.
My health journey was a 25-year battle of dieting, losing weight, gaining weight, binge eating, sugar addictions and always feeling that I had to drop more weight before I could go live my life. I refrained from “living” or living “free”, I shrunk back, and missed out on many opportunities because I did not feel that I was good enough or looked good enough.
I have done all the diets, even participated in a transformation contest that landed me on a stage in high heels, dark tan, and a bikini. Standing on stage, at my "best," I was still disappointed in myself. I knew in that moment that something was missing. Turns out I left Jesus out of my health and wellness journey. And if you leave him out of one area of your life, sometimes you leave him out of the other areas of your life as well.
Once I put my focus on Christ, in every aspect of my life, I found what was missing. I then found joy, peace, health, wellness, wholeness, and embraced the ultimate love that Christ has for us.
Jesus at the center of my journey meant that I viewed my body as a temple of Christ and that my body belonged to him. My health and wellness was no longer about “dieting,” “counting steps,” or “watching the scale.” It was about making decisions each day that strengthen my body and mind so that I can live out the life and calling that Jesus has for me.
Jesus at the center of my journey in my finances, career, and relationships meant going to him first before making life decisions. His path is always better than our own.
All my searching to find answers led me to learn and achieve all this great knowledge in coaching. My accounting and financial background is a plus! I look forward to helping you achieve those goals you have set and support you while you fulfill your life purpose.
Where do you want change in your life? Health, Business or Career, Finances, Relationships, or a closer walk with God?
Let’s get to work! I am ready to help!
When Natalie isn’t in her office typing up something that’s in her heart, she is spending time with her husband Tony, son Tyler, and daughter Olivia. They travel to the kid’s sporting events (football, baseball, powerlifting, cheer, volleyball, and track/field), love spending time outdoors, and just hanging out by their camp fire in Thrall, Texas . (Smores included)