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Dear Diary, Videos & Blogs

Natalie Bonkowski
May 5, 20211 min read
Your Plans Are Better Than My Dreams
#amen #remindme #Hispurpose #Hisplans #FocusonHim

Natalie Bonkowski
Jan 19, 20212 min read
Let's See the Good!
Reading out of 2 Chronicles chapter 10 today. I’m learning about Rehoboam’s reign as king (Solomon’s son) after Solomon’s death. Rehoboam...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jan 16, 20212 min read
Planned and Structured Days
I long for days of structure. The days where everything has a time, and everything fits perfectly on that time slot on the calendar. The...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jan 6, 20213 min read
2020 Reflection & 2021 Word of the Year
Ok- I’m just going to go ahead and say it….2020 may have been the best year of my adult life. I know this old planet Earth has been a...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jan 3, 20211 min read
A New Year!
Happy 2021! I always love the excitement that comes with a new year. I feel like the past has been erased and we can start again. A fresh...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 24, 20202 min read
Holiday Gatherings
I see you standing in the closet wishing those clothes fit better or at all. I see you arriving to the holiday function pulling down your...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 23, 20201 min read
Drumstick Break - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
We've had lots of sugar in the house lately. The holidays and birthday celebrations have cake, ice cream, cookies, and candy just about...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 21, 20201 min read
Revelation Wellness® Sugar Fast - January 2021
I am so excited to host a Revelation Wellness® Sugar Fast small group in January. It's a time to reset the body and mind and grow closer...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 15, 20201 min read
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength!
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength! I started a blog about this...but just didn't have time to finish writing and how about...

Natalie Bonkowski
Nov 23, 20202 min read
Pray Not Graze
For my fellow nightly pantry grazers (past & present): At first, I didn’t know or realize why I spent time standing in front of the...

Natalie Bonkowski
Nov 19, 20204 min read
The Answer To All My Weight Struggles
In the 80s I did low fat diets. In the 90s I tried the cabbage soup diet, counting calories, Sugar Busters diet, Atkins, and was a member...

Natalie Bonkowski
Nov 15, 20202 min read
A New Sound & A Prayer Partner
My phone made a new sound. I recently installed a new App (Voxer) to communicate with the ladies in my Revelation Wellness instructor...

Natalie Bonkowski
Nov 1, 20204 min read
Coffee & Prayer - Answered Prayers
The smell, the taste, holding my favorite cup in my hands sends signals of warmth, love, and happiness all through my body. For the...

Natalie Bonkowski
Oct 28, 20202 min read
Friday Night Voice
Since football is a topic of passion in my house, I tend to do a lot of comparisons of life and football. Our recent adventure under the...

Natalie Bonkowski
Oct 14, 20203 min read
Maybe God Wants to Heal Us from the Inside Out
You feel deep inside that if you can just get the weight off or if you can just reach this next goal, then life will be complete.

Natalie Bonkowski
Oct 14, 20201 min read
Things to Ponder:
Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not about what foods you are putting in your mouth or how much you push yourself during exercise?...

Natalie Bonkowski
Sep 22, 20202 min read
Are you being Judged by your SCALE?
You know how gymnasts are judged at the end of their performance? The judge rates them with a number. That number follows them until...

Natalie Bonkowski
Sep 12, 20204 min read
All for Football, of Course
Each day he comes home and tells us every detail of football practice. Sometimes these talks go on for hours. He trained all summer in...

Natalie Bonkowski
Sep 10, 20203 min read
Health & Wellness Update : September 6, 2020
The first thing a health coach will help you realize is your “why.” Your “why” for wanting to accomplish a goal or dream you have set...
Through the years, I have learned that those around me and the things that I hear and see, have a great impact on my life. I have chosen to listen and read positive words each day. I have also found that listening to others who have my same struggles and knowing that I am not alone, help me get along the day as well. I hope to share my life, the things I am reading and listening for you to realize you are not alone and that there is hope. It's a mean ol' world, but with friends, mentors, and Jesus, we can make it!
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