The smell, the taste, holding my favorite cup in my hands sends signals of warmth, love, and happiness all through my body. For the coffee lovers out there, how does coffee make you feel?
One weekend seven years ago I went to a wedding that was serving some awesome coffee. At that time, I was not coffee a drinker and had only tried it a few times. This night I experienced, not just tasted, coffee for the first time.
We had little white cups that fit perfectly on the little white saucer. I remember filling my cup of coffee and smelling the aroma, seeing the steam, and watching the coffee flow into the cup. I do not even remember what I used for creamer or sugar, but it was delightful. The coffee beans must have come from some place special because this coffee became unforgettable.
This was the start of my coffee drinking days. I never became dependent on coffee, but I sure looked forward to a cup or two in the morning. It became more of an experience rather than a love of taste. (Probably because I do not have those high dollar coffee beans. Ha-ha)
Did I mention my coffee cup collection? I have many favorites and I sure wish I had room to buy more cups, more often. What is it about coffee cups?
Well, here we are today. I am currently going through some health and wellness training that I am excited to share more about with you soon, but today I will share what this has to do with coffee.
In my training, I am learning to pray about everything!!! When I say everything, I mean everything!!! Things that I thought were too small to bring to God, I am learning are important to Him. Through this class I am learning to pray for guidance on how to fuel my body. No more trying new diets or searching the web for the best way to lose weight. Now, I am praying that God will show me what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat.
It has been such a wonderful experience to finally give God all my health and wellness struggles. They are not my struggles anymore, they are His. So, what does this have to do with coffee?
Well, let me tell you. Three weeks ago, I prayed about coffee. For God to show me what he thought about my coffee drinking.
I had enough coffee creamer in the fridge for two cups. I drink the Silk Vanilla Almond creamer. On two different days, I had a cup of coffee and my stomach hurt so bad! I had cramps and ended up with tummy issues for a few hours. I did not think too much about it. Occasionally, coffee tears up my stomach. But not often.
The next week when I picked up groceries, there was a substitution for my coffee creamer. I did not like the substitution and I sent it back. No coffee creamer in the house for a week. That’s ok, I had some other low carb syrup creamers at home back from when I was low-carbing, so I thought I’d try them again. Nope, stomach cramps.
The next week I order my groceries and again the coffee creamer was substituted. Ok Lord, is this you? I went ahead and accepted the substitution. I was excited to have some coffee. I made a cup and could not finish drinking it because my stomach hurt so bad.
I tried one more time a few days later and again could not finish the cup. I even tried to change it up and drink decaf, but nope. Then, would you know it when I tried to order my favorite coffee creamer one more time, it wasn’t even an option to order in my cart. I have been drinking this coffee creamer for at least a year!!!
Ok Lord, I will take a break from coffee. I do not believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason.
Coffee is not bad. Coffee is something God does not want ME drinking at this time in my life. Do I think I will drink coffee again? Yes, I think so. I have dreams of opening a coffee shop one day. I am learning to listen to what God has in store for me right now in my life.
Listen, I used to search the web looking for answers on what to eat. I read all the articles and studied what healthy people ate. Turns out there is science to back up just about every possible diet out there. But you know what, our individual eating patterns are not found copying someone else. We need to reach out to God for these answers!
I am excited to see what God’s plans are for my eating patterns. I have “dieted” since I was in my teens. Thirty years of unhappy restriction, huge weight loss, and huge weight gains. God has a plan for me. He does not want unhappy restriction, nor does he want huge weight fluctuations. He needs me whole and happy. He has this available for all us. We just have to seek him and listen!
When did you start drinking coffee? What’s your favorite way to drink it?
