How can we focus more on Christ?
Joshua 1:9 NLT
This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Proverbs 19:21 NLT
You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.
Proverbs 3:7 NLT
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
Let Go and Let God take the captain’s chair in our lives! Let’s follow His direction, instead of making decisions on our own.
I am not sure I can put to words my experience with giving up control and letting God lead the way. Let me first remind us that everything I share, I still struggle with every day. I am not perfect and strive to do better each day.
See prior to 2020, I was a Type A personality, planner, and perfectionist. (I now like to call myself a recovering perfectionist.)
I enjoyed (put pressure on myself) planning parties and making sure each detail was perfect and over the top. The house had to be cleaned right before the party. Friends would ask to help or bring things, but oh no, I wasn’t about letting anyone help. It had to be about what I could do.
I wanted to control all aspects of my life. If I could control things, then life would be perfect, right?
I had it all wrong. It took many years for me to realize I was never in control. It took reading the Bible, praying, and going to church for me to finally see the truth.
See, turns out, God created us. God has a plan for us. God is with us every step along our life. God controls all things. He is in control of the bad stuff too. If he allows me to go through bad stuff, he is going to get me through it.
Even though I had read it many times, I finally started to believe it. Let me tell you about the weight that came off my shoulders when I finally realized that life is about God, not about me. The pressure of having to perform or be perfect was gone. Freedom was mine.
My quality of life is so much better. I have so much peace. I don’t have to strive for anything. I have God in all things no matter how big or how small.
Join me this month in seeing the bigger picture. Let go of the expectations and stress you put on yourself. Whatever is on your mind or the challenges you face, go to God. Read the Bible and listen for the answers. Get on your knees and seek His face. Get up on Sunday morning and hear the word in church. God is so good, and He is waiting for us to give Him every piece of our worries, struggles, and strivings. Thank you, Jesus!
I wrote a little about this in 2020 when I experienced this revelation. You can read more about it here,
