Join me in my December Challenge! Focus on Him-making time in the busy season!
On June 17, 2020 @ 4:02 a.m. my diary states this…. “I’m back up in the middle of the night. I am hoping He will let me go back to sleep if I get up and write what I am supposed to write.”
I am blessed to sleep well at night. It is rare for me to struggle to sleep, but I so remember this night. I had been waking up in the middle of the night with thoughts that I needed to put on paper. If I didn’t get up and write, I would toss and turn. However, once I got up and spilled my heart onto the spiral notebook paper, then I was able to fall back to sleep. I just know God put these thoughts in my heart.
My diary entry on that early morning at 4:02 am is seven full pages of college ruled filled paper. (Let’s note that I have never claimed to be a writer, just an over analytical accountant that enjoyed learning and putting thoughts to paper.) A blog post was born a few days later from the pages I wrote that night. You can read it here. https://www.nataliebonkowski.com/post/focus-where-is-it
My realization that night was that Jesus really was the answer to everything, but we fail to put Him first in our lives.
Ever since that night, I have known that my Focus must be on Christ. ALL THE TIME! It’s a constant struggle because life is so busy. I fail every day, but I understand the importance of trying again each day.
December is a perfect month to Focus on Him! It’s the month we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Let’s really get to know Him and celebrate Him. Let’s humble ourselves and make this month about Him, not us.
Join me in the month of December as I share ways for us to grow closer to Him and shift our focus on our Creator!
“Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His presence continually!” Psalm 105:4