Can anyone relate??? ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
You tried all the diets. They work, but you just can’t seem to do them for more than a few weeks.
You tried to start walking or working out again, but you just can’t seem to keep up with the rigorous plan you are following.
You know you’ve got what it takes to make these changes in your life. You are awesome. But life keeps getting in the way.
You feel deep inside that if you can just get the weight off or if you can just reach this next goal, then life will be complete. You will find true happiness and your world will be in order.
If you are waiting to reach a certain place or goal and are depending on yourself to get there, let me put this out there…
God is in control.
We are not in control. We can temporarily “fix” our outside appearance, but unless we allow God control to heal the inside, the outside changes will be temporary and leave us feeling empty even when we reach those goals.
Once upon a time I did the work, on my own, without depending on Christ for help. I posed on stage in a bikini after losing 50 pounds in a transformation contest. Everyone told me how great I looked and how great I did. I won a trophy for 5th place. I didn't even recognize myself, I looked so "good." I should have been excited, right? I remember standing on stage so disappointed in myself, thinking I should have done better, and I should have worked harder. Then I cried the following weeks because I had no control around food, felt like a complete failure, and felt empty inside.
There was so much work to be done on the inside of that girl with the trophy. Her heart longed for acceptance, when Jesus was the only acceptance she needed.
The perfectionism she strived for, wasn’t required. She was already "fearfully and wonderfully" made by God. (Psalms 139:14) There was no need to prove herself striving for perfectionism in everything she did.
This girl’s need to prove she was good enough, wasn’t necessary. She was good, and she had a good heart.
The world shows us we need to look a certain way or attain some “status” to reach happiness. Nope, untrue. You are reading this today because you need to be free. Free from searching or achieving or doing.
All you need is Jesus.
Go to Jesus. Pray and read your Bible. Today, not tomorrow. Let Him control your life. Pray to Him about everything! Pray about the small stuff, the big stuff, and everything in between. Pray all day long. Pray in your car while sitting at a red light. Pray while you are waiting on the printer to finish printing the pages. Pray when you have only five seconds, or maybe five minutes, or five hours. Pray and let Him lead every aspect of your life. Pray about what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. Pray about when to exercise or how to exercise.
Let Him heal the inside. The rest will follow. You’ll end up at the perfect “weight” that He designed for your unique body. You’ll end up achieving all the goals that He wants you to achieve. You’ll not only have happiness, but the gift of joy, deep, deep inside your soul.
“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.” 1 Peter 5:10
